IRCS-Odisha State Branch moves ahead with its mission to improve the life of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. Being a apart of the world’s largest humanitarian organization it cherishes the principle provides humanitarian services and assistance to the victims of disasters and supports the socially and economically backward people without any discrimination .The state branch has been operating a family counseling center since 1993, which is sponsored by State Social Welfare Board Odisha. It works mainly for the families in mal-adjustment

Counseling is interpersonal process through which guidance and support are provided to person with psychosocial problems. In simple counseling means to provide professional psychological help to the distress person in a professional manner.

Goals of Counseling

  • 1 To reduce the emotional distress of the client.
  • 2 To reduce dysfunctional behavior of the client
  • 3 To develop his or her potential capacity
  • 4 To assist the client takes important personal decisions

FCC Sub Committee

The family counseling center has been formed subcommittee social activist social workers, representatives of local administration, police, free legal aid institution and other voluntary orgaisation.

It is a monitoring and evaluation committee which was started on the time of FCC formation. The prime objective is to provide short stay facilities, to chalk out socio -economic programmes for women and other such activities which may be useful for the rehabilitation of distress woman.


  • Field visit to the different slums of Bhubaneswar.
  • Organize group awareness Programmme organised in different Slum.
  • Cases registered relating to different issues like mal adjustment with in-laws, depression, economic crisis and other mental illness and cases has been resolved and some cases referred to Police station, Legal Aid, Drugs De-addiction Center, Protection Officer and Short Stay Home.
  • Follow up the cases registered in FCC file.
  • Observed National Girl Child Day & Women’s Day.
  • Participation in the state level work shop on “child protection on emergencies” sponsored by State Social Welfare Board.
  • Instituted since 1993 to provide preventive, curative & rehabilitation for women victims of atrocities
  • Support from Central Social Welfare Board
  • Crisis & marital discord, reconciliation services
  • Police support for dowry victims
  • Referral services, short stay & legal aid, police assistance & behavioral counselling